Thursday, 20 November 2014

Radio Advert

I then had to analyse a radio advert to see if there were any similarities in the styles of advertising that haribo use.
The style of the radio advert was a combination of, humour And  fiction Because they make the kids role play as the law
The overall message of the advert was to make sure haribo was for everyone and just for kids and this was because in the advert they shows kids and adults eating them
The types of voices used in the advert were young and older voices they chose these types of voices because it makes haribo look like its for everyone.

(could not find the radio so i did this one which is use in the radio advert)
The tone of language in the advert was angry and loud as this blended in with the style of the advert because they was investigating who eaten all the haribo eggs
There was a tag line/slogan in the advert and this was happy world of haribos And it was mentioned once many times because to make you buy more
The product name itself was mentioned once  many times because we already know what they are.
The contact details were/were not mentioned because there is no contact details
The music used in the advert was a little at the end this was in my opinion effective  

The main purpose of the advert was to promote or just to further get the brand name recognised.
Overall I think the advert was effective/not effective on the target audience I think the advert was effective because it makes people laugh as an older guy is scared of a little girl

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